Welcome to FreudenHaus
Freudenhaus? FreudenHaus!
In Germany in 1991, everybody knew “FreudenHaus”, but nobody knew that we wer’e making glasses... FreudenHaus means “House Of Joy” and we thought of it as the House of Optical Joy!
FreudenHaus is Stefan Flatscher and Uwe Pinhammer. Two opticians who wanted to change the optical business, when we started our company in 1991.
The bridge between FreudenHaus & FHONE:
In 2014, we made a big transition. People ask me, why I chose to sell my soul, but really, its the opposite. I couldn’t sell my soul and that’s why I had to step up my game as I founded FHONE. I decided to move on to the next level. That is FHONE, it’s FreudenHaus plus one, we’ve leveled up, one step better. If you were already a fan of FreudenHaus, you will love FHONE!
Stefan’s goal is to have the perfect frame for everybody, which he is achieving with his five capsule collections in FHONE.
My designs...
I design glasses for people, different people. So I design different glasses to make these people look and feel awesome. I want you to love your glasses!
I believe in simplicity and the beauty of your face. Eyewear is about you and not about being bizarre.
I value German design ideas like Bauhaus, form follows function. Designers like Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, Dr. Walter Gropius, Ferdinand Porsche, Dieter Rams or Konstantin Grcic created many things and ideas which inspire me. Let's not forget Esslinger or Ive... inspiration is all around us.
I see ideas for glasses everywhere. When I drive over the Golden Gate bridge, in architectural details, in car designs, but also in classic furniture or even when I look into the clouds.
These ideas combined with “Zeitgeist” and paired with a laid back easiness create my designs. Simple but defined and absolutely cool. A stripped down minimalism and the highest technical standards, that is FreudenHaus and FHONE.
My Why..
What I’ve always wanted from this business is to help people feel good with glasses (to love themselves). FHONE is more than a pair of glasses, they’re the center of your face, your frames become a part of you. I want you to fall in love every time you look in the mirror. Our glasses are an extension of who you are. At the end of the day - I am just a people pleaser... We did choose the name FreudenHaus for a reason... I simply want to give you Joy and if you are happy, I did my job.
Who is wearing FreudenHaus?
People like you and me, but also German celebrities like Heine Ferch, Thomas Gottschalk, Katja Flint und Franka Potente. International Stars like Elton John, he has over 80 styles from us, or Robbie Williams who likes our sunglasses, so does Tom Cruise, Jennifer Garner and many more.
More important is that our friends wear our glasses and they do so - because they love them - and so will you. We want more than just customers. FreudenHaus wants friends and partners. People who love to sell our products and people who love to wear it.